Future Ideas

Visualize which user made which change

  • In Automerge the user or device public should be used as an ID.
  • One idea was to leverage the clientID for it and assign it the publicKey. This approach would not work.
    • The main issue for the userId is that it's only a uin32 which results in only 4 bytes. The publicKey itself is way longer and also some randomness would be good in case users have multiple tabs open on the same web-device using the same publicKey. In the long run it's probably better to build a parallel structure allowing users to sign a transaction and make it verifyable instead of manipulating the clientID directly.
    • Note: For EphemeralMessages we already have validation. In the user state the publicKey is injected and verified within the useYjsSync hook. Details can be found here: (opens in a new tab)

Possible Meta data issues

  • Should users be able to identify which device of a user made a certain change?